MOSCOW SHOOTING FEDERATION is a regional sports public organization doing its activities in Moscow and uniting Olympic rifle shooting sports.

Moscow Shooting Federation was founded in 1991.

The main goal of the Federation is development and popularization of shooting sports in Moscow.

In its activities Federation is guided by the Statutes, corresponding regulations and standards of the Russian Shooting Union, Olympic Charter and the Statutes of the International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF).

Moscow Shooting Federation is a member of the regional section of the Russian Shooting Union in Moscow.

Moscow Shooting Federation carries out its activities headed by the President Alexander A. Kokin.

The higher governing body of the Moscow Shooting Federation is the Conference.

Presidium is a standing governing body elected by the Conference for 4 years and running the Federation activities during the Conferences.

During the Conferences economic and financial activities of the Federation is carried out by Presidium Bureau elected at the Conference for 4 years among Presidium members.

Functional duties of Vice-presidents (Presidium Bureau members) are determined by the President of the Federation.

Control and audit body (auditor) of the Federation is elected by the Conference for controlling financial and economic activities of the Federation.

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